You Have Questions?
I Have Answers!
I am 100% virtual for your comfort, ease and convenience. You can meet with me in the comfort of your own home. Weather is no longer a factor, or the fact that your bottom half is pyjama pants. You can enjoy our sessions with your favourite beverage, make up free in your favourite chair or space of the house.
This industry is quickly becoming very saturated and very popular, which is exciting as its SO needed. However, if proper training has not been taken there can be a disconnect on the code of ethics of coaching. A lot of damage can be done if a coach takes a client places in their sessions that the coach has no business going, no education in, or no knowledge of. In an industry where anyone can become a coach, wouldn’t you want someone who has taken as much training as possible BEFORE working with you. It shows a respect for the clients problems and dilemmas, it also shows responsibility. It shows that your coach takes you seriously and cares greatly for you. It shows a coach that has brought their “A” game and wants to give you the absolute best that they have. It also shows that they take themselves seriously. The best advice I received from someone was “you don’t know what you don’t know.” As simple as it was, it was incredibly profound. After I completed my coaching education it was almost laughable how naive I was prior to my schooling. There is literally no comparison of who I was, to who I am now after having completed my coaching education. A certified coach takes an already decent coach and makes them great, it separates them from the rest of the life coaching community and also gives you confidence that your money will be well spent to someone who has taken the time and done the work to hone their skills.
- CPC: certified professional coach
- ELI-MP: energy leadership index, master practitioner
- ACC, ICF: accredited certified coach, with the international coaching federation (this is currently being worked on and is the certification that covers me with insurance companies if an accreditation is needed. It is globally recognized).
Most insurance plans are starting to incorporate life coaching as a service that is covered because the reality is psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists are becoming harder and harder to find much less get in to see, and not everyone wants the clinical approach. A lot of insurance companies are creating wellness funds, coverage for certified coaches, or a one time amount of money that can be designated for sessions of your choosing. For any insurance plan that covers coaching, Clarity Coaching would fall under the parameters based on my certifications and experience.
Coming through a global event has made me all the more aware of just how much society is lacking in deep, genuine and satisfying connection on a day to day basis. Take any situation, take any interaction and you will find the majority of people you talk to are drowning. As a society we lack the basic tools and skills to have successful and fulfilling relationships long term. This has become such a passion of mine, like never before, because people are hurting.
There is a great need for help in areas such as:
- Communication
- Relationship coaching
- job satisfaction
- healthy family dynamics
- boundaries
- navigating toxic relationships
- stages of parenting
- seasons of relationships
- finances
- retirement
- hobbies/past times
- divorce
- starting a new business
- loss of loved ones or pets
Not only do I have a lot of life experience on a lot of these topics, but I am someone who wants to know “YOU”. Who are you? Who do you want to be? What are you not saying and what is behind it? I am someone who can ask the hard questions, create a safe place of exploration for you and then celebrate your discoveries and wins.
Packages and sessions are very adaptable and flexible. If you have a family group that wants coaching sessions, we can create a group package specifically for you and your needs. If you want to learn how to better communicate and want to jump in on a group session where I teach on that topic, great. If you have a very specific problem and want 1:1 time and space to explore and talk, that is also available. This is exactly what the purpose of the DISCOVERY CALL is, to seek clarity in what exactly it is you are wanting help with and how we can work together to make that happen.

Journey to Clarity
If anything that I’ve said resonates with, excites or makes you even a little curious, connect with me today so we can schedule a FREE discovery call to begin your journey to CLARITY.
You’re a Rock Star!